from Barak, see for more of my writing

Why vote?


This time, I’ve decided to mostly leave the writeups to some organizations (in this priority order)

I still opine on some issues, so feel free to comment/ask if one of my endorsements seems misguided.


Voter-nominated (via top-two primary) offices, state and local

Governor: Gavin Newsom, Democrat

Lieutenant Governor: Eleni Kounalakis, Democrat

Secretary of State: Shirley Weber, Democrat

Controller: Lanhee Chen, Republican

Chen was endorsed by the LA Times and the Orange County register. In this watchdog role, I’ll support a non-insane Republican, even though I’d be very surprised if one won statewide office.

Chen was nominated to the Social Security Advisory Board by President Obama, and served on it for four years. He was policy director for Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign. He now leads the board of directors of a nonprofit healthcare system in the Bay Area, teaches public policy at Stanford, advises businesses and government clients as a consultant, and invests in early-stage companies.

Treasurer: Fiona Ma, Democrat

Attorney General: Rob Bonta, Democrat

Bonta has been great on enforcing housing laws and cracking down on cities that (at times, proudly) violate it.